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Being Patient is a leading online community for people with Alzheimer's and their caregivers. This article details the importance of reading to improve memory and preventing dementia.

Burlington Public Library staff have created a list of books with great visual imagery that can be used to stimulate memories and start conversations. Books are accessible regardless of a reader's ability to understand print.

This CBC article profiles the new app for adults with dementia from Marlena Books.

Braille literacy

Book marketer Dave Chesson details how to publish a large print book and why you should.

Thorndike Press debunks myths about large print books (spoiler alert: large print books benefit everyone).

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has many resources and examples of large and giant print books.

Deaf literacy

Hands-free reading tools for people with print disabilities and multi-taskers.

Adaptive reading aids that make holding a book and turning pages more comfortable.

Spin, Weave, and Cut links to a list of resources about accessible comics and graphic novels, including tactile comics, comics in braille, comics with audio description, and ASL versions of comics.

In 2019, McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario created Open Accessibility: An Illustrated Story of Disability Advocacy.

Disability advocate Veronica Lewis has created a comprehensive guide to writing alt text for digital comics.

Role of Libraries

All That May Read is a special online exhibit celebrating CNIB's support for literacy, reading, and access to information. The exhibit marked the 100th anniversary of CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) in 2018.

Braille Literacy Canada is an organization dedicated to promoting literacy in braille as well as the availability of braille materials in Canada. The organization's YouTube channel offers further information and provides perspectives on barriers and braille technologies from braille users.

Braille Authority of North America (BANA) sets regulations and standards to produce braille and tactile graphics. Their website provides links to further resources regarding braille literacy.

The CNIB offers a comprehensive braille overview as well as information about sight loss, links to braille literacy programs, and information relevant to geographic regions.

American Printing House is a non-profit that provides a considerable range of goods and services including accessible formats, braille embossing, large print, and assistive devices including BrailleBlaster, a braille transcription device.

Hadley is a free online resource maintained by US non-profit educational organization Hadley, a partner of the National Eye Institute and the National Eye Health Education Program, aimed at people who are blind or have low vision.

Envisioning Technologies is an online exhibit by Carleton University's Disability Research Group on the history and emergence of braille technologies.

Perkins School for the Blind on-site History Museum has a series of short audio recordings created on topics including books for people who are blind or have low vision.

The Royal National Institute for Blind People (RNIB) details information about the history of braille; braille codes; learning, reading, writing, and producing braille; and braille music, book, and products.

How the braille alphabet works details braille cells and dot configuration for the alphabet.

Accessible Publishing

Affiliated with Rocky Mountain Braille Associates, Tactile Graphics provides detailed guidance regarding the design and production of tactile graphics.

The Braille Authority of North America (BANA) provides information and links to its current guidelines and standards to produce tactile graphics.

American Printing House provides free access to the Tactile Graphics Image Library, which houses over 2,000 images transcribed for tactile readers.

Perkins School for the Blind has a blog post on the importance of Touching the News.

Accessible Publishing

7 Inclusive/Accessibility Design Books Designers Should Read offers recommendations on books about accessible graphic design from a graphic designer with a rare visual impairment called Aniridia. Links are provided to more in-depth reviews of each title featured in the video.

AccessAbility 2 - A Practical Handbook on Accessible Graphic Design is a downloadable PDF guide to accessibility in graphic design by Ontario's Association of Registered Graphic Designers (RGD) that includes sections on design fundamentals, typography, and digital and physical media.

Legibility Research: Type Design for Children with Low Vision is an essay about the ongoing development of Matilda, a typeface for children with low vision, from graphic designer and researcher Ann Bessemans.